Wednesday, April 6, 2011

life is funny. But not in a clown college kind of way.

I never thought I would end up in a relationship with my best friend. We just kind of fell into it, I guess. I certainly never thought i would have two such awesome boys looking at me and smiling everyday.
Well, in Logan's case an awesome boy. In Jax's, it's much more a case of cuteness that hides the personality of Beelzebub.
and I never in a million years thought I would be standing over Steve as he slept on the couch because a certain imp of Hades wouldn't sleep, simultaneously envying him and wanting to burying him in the backyard because his spawn decided to both throw up and pee on me at 3 in the morning.
Ajax made up for it though. Mostly because as i took a shower with him I let him play with and hold the shower head. He promptly tried to stick it in his mouth, and then was rreeeaaalllyyy confused when water rushed into his mouth. The complete and utter exhaustion is totally worth that angry and confused look on his face. Especially because he then tried to do it again.

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