Monday, June 6, 2011

From his mouth to your...eyes.....That just doesn't have the same ring to it.

Logan just got the "individuality award". I think his school just called him a weirdo.

Of course, he was the only one up there with a mohawk and a darth vader shirt.

Logan: Did you know that if you stare at a girl for 20 minutes it means you love them?

Being a mom is pretty cool...until your kids wake you up at 630 because they can't sleep and want "company"

Strangest sentence i've uttered today-"Quit playing mind tag. Your mohawk will be all crooked"

Logan was being a sweetheart and gave me the peacock colored fondue fork "because it's your favorite color in the whole wide world". I told him loved him and his good heart. "I do have a good heart. It's beating really well"

One more example of Logina Beana being a possible hoarder; he just had a complete meltdown over throwing away an apple seed. And when I say meltdown, I mean the second tantrum he has ever had. Wow.

Conversations from the dinner table- "dad, can I stay home this weekend?" "Sure. What do you want to do?" "I want you to watch Jax so I can go see Thor with Kati". The brainwashing is complete

Of all the things to look at on the way to school-trees, flowers, other people-Loganator's attention focused on the on the two birds doing it in someone's yard
I knew we were going to have a special snack at school today, so I ate my yogurt and apple speed. Because I'm smart like a fox. Why are you laughing?"

Weird Stuff I've Found in the Laundry: Week 2.

Another rock

Another piece of wood

1 seashell

An Iron Man flip flop.

Alas, no money this week. So far, anyway

went upstairs with jax attacks to put something away in logan's room, and he got all excited and was looking around. I guess he realized logan wasn't there, because he started sobbing like his heart was broken and wouldn't stop until i picked logan up from school
two loads of laundry, and so far i've found a popsicle stick, a rock, 3 pieces of wood, and 8 dollars. kind of a woo hoo, but really more of a what the hell

It's funny that Logan thinks a "Fun Run" is really a "Run until a teacher isn't looking, then wander off into the soccer field and spin around".

To sum up..

A quick post, before Logan's head explodes and Jax has a conniption. Logan is getting ready to go to Disneyworld with CeliaMom in 3 days, and i don't know what to do! He's going to have a fantastic time, but we're going to miss him terribly. I guess Skype will have to do. and lots of phone calls. Poor kid. by the time his World trip and his CA trip are finished he will be sick to death of phones and computers. He already shuns both of them.


Logan has been super touchy lately. Saturday, as he got into the pool, he cried because GRAVITY was not as strong in the water as it is out. That should give you an idea of exactly how touchy he's been. I think the whole having a sibling thing is starting to get to him. I caught him taking a toy for Jax the other day and telling him "I am going to play with that. Find your own!" Which was funny, because it was Jax's toy.....Needless to say, we've ben trying to explain that baby's are not independent, and require a lot of work, as well as trying to spend more one on one time with The Loganator. Hopefully he gets it out of his system soon, because I'm starting to miss my sweetie laid back boy. Especially since Jax is the total opposite of that.

Sigh. Being a parent is hard. I need to drink more.

At least I'll get a chance to finish some projects. Because I have close to 20 of them started, and only 4 close to being finished. This also means making Steve hang pictures. Perhaps I can entice him with cookies or something. Or nag him until he wants to die.
Whichever works.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

life is funny. But not in a clown college kind of way.

I never thought I would end up in a relationship with my best friend. We just kind of fell into it, I guess. I certainly never thought i would have two such awesome boys looking at me and smiling everyday.
Well, in Logan's case an awesome boy. In Jax's, it's much more a case of cuteness that hides the personality of Beelzebub.
and I never in a million years thought I would be standing over Steve as he slept on the couch because a certain imp of Hades wouldn't sleep, simultaneously envying him and wanting to burying him in the backyard because his spawn decided to both throw up and pee on me at 3 in the morning.
Ajax made up for it though. Mostly because as i took a shower with him I let him play with and hold the shower head. He promptly tried to stick it in his mouth, and then was rreeeaaalllyyy confused when water rushed into his mouth. The complete and utter exhaustion is totally worth that angry and confused look on his face. Especially because he then tried to do it again.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Too much information

L: "Hey Kati! Guess what I'm doing!!!"

Me: "Talking to me!"

L: "No, I'm pooping! Aren't you proud of me??!"

How the hell do I answer that? On one hand, yeah, considering Logan has all those stomach problems, I am kinda proud. On the other....stop talking to me while you're involved with defecation, kid! i try to tell him th
is, and he just laughs. Yes, while he's still in the bathroom on the toilet.
I would also like to point out that although I was correct when I guessed he was talking to me, he still will not admit that I was. Just like Daddy.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ahhhh, the joys of parenthood.

Logan is infamous in our family for playing a little game we call "Calvinball".
Yes, I am refering to Calvin and Hobbes. Much like Bill Watterson's creation, Logina enjoys getting someone to play games with him, and then changing the rules in the middle of the game so he will win. The Quiet Game is his favorite to do this with.
And so, after changing the rules on me 5 times in 3 minutes (the last was "In the Quiet Game, anyone boy named Logan can talk".), I just stopped talking.
It's been 30 minutes, and Logan is currently rolling on the floor making the craziest faces-he does, in fact, look just like Calvin-begging me. "Please, Please, PLEASE TALK TO ME!!!!!
I wonder how much I should put away for therapy.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Domo Arigato

We've successfully convinced Logan he is a robot. My life is now complete.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ketch up

This being a stay at home mom thing is finally getting easier. I've said it before, but that was stupid. Until I was taking care of an infant and a walking talking calamity I had no idea how hard being a mom could be.
That's mean. Logan's not a walking talking calamity. He's more of a talking running skipping SQUIRREL little boy who just happens to have accidents follow him. That he causes out of curiosity.
School is going well, thank goodness. He's excelling in everything, and the teacher has put him in a group of third graders for his reading group. Apparently no one else in his class is at his reading level yet. Still needs to work on handwriting, but oh well. I can't have everything.
If I could, I would have a pony. And a huge decorated house. And a lobster dinner...mmmmm.....sea arachnid with butter......
Jax is also growing and growing. He's been rolling over for 2 months, and is starting to sit up by himself. Or try to, at least. He makes a lot of grunting noises and turns really red while moving his upper body. Occasionally he surprises me and poos instead of sitting up. He always looks pleased, though. He's also babbling nonstop. Which is sad, because we were kinda hoping to have a Silent Bob son to go with our Jay, but considering both of our families are vocal and "passionate" (loud. we have loud families), it was to be expected. The whole colicky thing is finally over, and that means that Jax is fun to be around. Finally. I was worried that he was just a brat. As a mother, I wouldn't want to admit it, but I would. He's still bratty, but really just when he's tired. And hungry. And wet.
Ok, he's a brat. But he's damn cute.
Logina is such a good big brother. He always makes sure Jax has toys (especially when Logan is grounded from his. Funny how that works out), he sits with him and calms him down in the morning when I'm running around trying to get dressed, and just in general is in love with his little brother. He says he can't wait to teach him manners and how to read and write.
Now if only we could get Loganberry to finish learning manners.
I think he's had a little bit of a hard time adjusting to the new baby. And let's face it-Logan has had a tough year. He's graduated pre-school, left the class he's been with for 3 years, changed schools, houses, had to make new friends, deal with a parent being home all the time when he was used to seeing us only at dinner and after, and almost never together, and a new baby brother is in his life. He's adjusting remarkably well with everything, but I think he is having the hardest time with understanding the family dynamic. He calls me mom when talking about me, but understands that he has a different mommy than his brother. There are times when he seems almost hurt by that, and it's driving me crazy. I don't want him to grow up thinking that just because Jax is my son genetically I will automatically love him more. It's so strange for a "step" mom to feel like her "step" child is her own, but I do. I was prepared to feel different about Jaximillion, but he was born, and I looked at him and was so happy because I felt the same swelling in my heart and soul that I feel when I look at or think about Logan. God, I love my boys. I can't keep Logan from feeling a little left out, but I can comfort him and reassure him if he asks if I love him. And I can do it without lying to my little goofball boy.
He still has a mommy somewhere else, and I'm taking steps to make sure he can talk to her as well, but I think it's important to know that woman who lives with him loves him more than he may ever know, and will do anything for him. As long as it's in his best interest.
Sometimes that includes grounding him from his toys. And let me tell you-that is not in MY best interest. I have to deal with "Can I play with my toys?" every 5 minutes, and am so tired of repeating the whole "You're grounded from them for them for the next week. That hasn't changed in the last 10 minutes. And before you try it, if you build a time machine and try to travel a week into the future, I'll just ground you then, too."