Monday, June 6, 2011

From his mouth to your...eyes.....That just doesn't have the same ring to it.

Logan just got the "individuality award". I think his school just called him a weirdo.

Of course, he was the only one up there with a mohawk and a darth vader shirt.

Logan: Did you know that if you stare at a girl for 20 minutes it means you love them?

Being a mom is pretty cool...until your kids wake you up at 630 because they can't sleep and want "company"

Strangest sentence i've uttered today-"Quit playing mind tag. Your mohawk will be all crooked"

Logan was being a sweetheart and gave me the peacock colored fondue fork "because it's your favorite color in the whole wide world". I told him loved him and his good heart. "I do have a good heart. It's beating really well"

One more example of Logina Beana being a possible hoarder; he just had a complete meltdown over throwing away an apple seed. And when I say meltdown, I mean the second tantrum he has ever had. Wow.

Conversations from the dinner table- "dad, can I stay home this weekend?" "Sure. What do you want to do?" "I want you to watch Jax so I can go see Thor with Kati". The brainwashing is complete

Of all the things to look at on the way to school-trees, flowers, other people-Loganator's attention focused on the on the two birds doing it in someone's yard
I knew we were going to have a special snack at school today, so I ate my yogurt and apple speed. Because I'm smart like a fox. Why are you laughing?"

Weird Stuff I've Found in the Laundry: Week 2.

Another rock

Another piece of wood

1 seashell

An Iron Man flip flop.

Alas, no money this week. So far, anyway

went upstairs with jax attacks to put something away in logan's room, and he got all excited and was looking around. I guess he realized logan wasn't there, because he started sobbing like his heart was broken and wouldn't stop until i picked logan up from school
two loads of laundry, and so far i've found a popsicle stick, a rock, 3 pieces of wood, and 8 dollars. kind of a woo hoo, but really more of a what the hell

It's funny that Logan thinks a "Fun Run" is really a "Run until a teacher isn't looking, then wander off into the soccer field and spin around".

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