Monday, June 6, 2011

To sum up..

A quick post, before Logan's head explodes and Jax has a conniption. Logan is getting ready to go to Disneyworld with CeliaMom in 3 days, and i don't know what to do! He's going to have a fantastic time, but we're going to miss him terribly. I guess Skype will have to do. and lots of phone calls. Poor kid. by the time his World trip and his CA trip are finished he will be sick to death of phones and computers. He already shuns both of them.


Logan has been super touchy lately. Saturday, as he got into the pool, he cried because GRAVITY was not as strong in the water as it is out. That should give you an idea of exactly how touchy he's been. I think the whole having a sibling thing is starting to get to him. I caught him taking a toy for Jax the other day and telling him "I am going to play with that. Find your own!" Which was funny, because it was Jax's toy.....Needless to say, we've ben trying to explain that baby's are not independent, and require a lot of work, as well as trying to spend more one on one time with The Loganator. Hopefully he gets it out of his system soon, because I'm starting to miss my sweetie laid back boy. Especially since Jax is the total opposite of that.

Sigh. Being a parent is hard. I need to drink more.

At least I'll get a chance to finish some projects. Because I have close to 20 of them started, and only 4 close to being finished. This also means making Steve hang pictures. Perhaps I can entice him with cookies or something. Or nag him until he wants to die.
Whichever works.

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